Il blog del corso serale dell'Istituto Commerciale Bodoni di Parma. Siamo in dirittura di arrivo!!
domenica 21 dicembre 2008
materiale per poterli fare.
Siccome so che molti di voi già stanno mugognando, vi riporto il metodo per agire consigliato dal prof.:
1- leggere la consegna
2- scrivere le entità
3- scrivere glia attributi
4- evidenzxiare le dovute e debite considerazioni!!!!
5- disegnare il diagramme E/R
6- modello logico con relative chiavi e foreign Key
7- ricontrollare
8- valutare se le query richieste sono attuabili secondo il vostro schema
9- possibilmente operare con i software appropriati (non scrivere a matita ma sul computer porterebbe ad una valutazione migliore!!)
A tutti buone feste.
venerdì 19 dicembre 2008
lunedì 8 dicembre 2008
eBay's rise to world fame
If we want to imagine what companies of the future will be like, we have to look at how eBay works: no factory plant, limited human resources, total globalisation.
The minimum number of staff with the maximum amount of profit.
eBay is the fastest growing e-company in the American market. Over the last seven years, its revenue has risen from $5.7 million to $ 4.55 billion. Not even Microsoft, Dell, Yahoo or Cisco have grown as rapidly.
eBay was launched by Pierre Omydyar on 4th September 1995 and it appeared under the more prosaic title of “Auction Web”. This software engineer living in California wanted to create a new kind of online trading system. The idea was to attract visitors to its auction site where they could offer their own items for sale and bid for items on offer.
The opening day was not a success. In fact the site attracted no visitors at all in its first 24 hours. Within a few weeks, however, about 50 items were already on sale, including a warehouse in Idaho and a 1937 Rolls-Royce. By the end of 1995, several thousand auctions, attracting more than 10,000 bids, had taken place.
Today eBay has more than 157 million users in 34 different countries. The company has 11,600 employees and a further 430,000 people earn their income by trading on the site. In addition to the auction site, eBay also opened an e-commerce site in 2006, ebay express , where companies could sell their new products for a fixed price. The site was open to all companies and allows small and medium companies to compete with leading retailers and sell their products to a huge market of people throughout the world. In early 2008 eBay express closed since so many featueres from eBay express have been integrated and improved onto the original
(source: BBC News)
Answer the following questions
Why is eBay considered to represent the future for business enterprises?
Was eBay launched under this title?
Was it an immediate success? Why?
What was the difference between and eBay express?
What advantages do companies or sellers who sell online on eBay have?
Can you translate the title of the article into Italian?
Il minimo di personale col massimo profitto.
Ebay è la compagnia di e-commerce con la più veloce crescita in America. Negli ultimi sette anni, il suo guadagno è passato da 5,7 milioni a 4,55 miliardi di dollari. Nessuno di Microsoft, Dell, Yahoo o Cisco sono cresciuti più rapidamente. [continua]
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martedì 2 dicembre 2008
Verifiche di Dicembre (pazzesco)
vi comunico la maratona di studio per la fine di Dicembre:
17 Dicembre DIRITTO
17 Dicembre Economia Azindale
18 Dicembre Inglese
22 Dicembre Italiano
Seguiranno indicazioni più precise circa gli argomenti.
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lunedì 1 dicembre 2008
Verifiche di Diritto
mercoledì 17 invece ci sarà la seconda verifica, poi in gennaio andremo con le interrogazioni
(chiaramente gli argomenti si sapranno solo dopo la verifica)
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